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Nov 23, 2020
Latest TenantCloud Online Property Management Updates: Maintenance Requests, Accounting Changes
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Hey everybody and thank you for checking in on TenantCloud news and updates. Over the last couple of months, we have been quarantining and working on some awesome updates for you. From our hypothetical home to yours, here are the great updates you can see in TenantCloud today: 

Accounting changes

We had many requests from our users regarding discounts, and we are happy to give you an option for users to apply a flat discount to the income payment that is treated as a negative income.

We have also added a refund option, so users can refund the income payment as well.  All these can now be tracked in the new Payments & Activity widget when you review the transaction details.

We’re constantly working on a way to make the accounting experience better, so with this update we have added the option to edit an invoice and its payments via a separate pop-up screen.

TenantCloud Accounting changes

Another great improvement is that now you can track the history of credits and deposits. This also can be tracked in the Payments & Activity widget.

TenantCloud Accounting changes

Bonus - we have increased the transaction details character limit to 150 characters. It may be small, but it will help you stay organized.

Reports Improvements

As we mentioned, we added discounts and refunds. To go along with those updates, we also added new columns with Refunds and Discounts in the Tenant Statement Report.

The Deposit Summary Report was improved and now displays the deposits correctly for roommates, so if you have multiple tenants, go take a look!

Related: Real Estate Management Software Reports' Details: The Latest Overview

Maintenance Requests

We are working on some exciting updates for the Maintenance Request tool. We will be rolling out updates gradually, and this time we added an option to assign a team member to your maintenance request, as well as the ability to assign up to 5 equipment options to the same request. Plus, the whole creation flow is now divided into steps and got a new look.

Related: TenantCloud Property Management Software Features: Maintenance Requests, Accounting And Other

TenantCloud Maintenance Requests

All other improvements 

We have also improved our user interface, so be ready to see new elements that were added to make it easier to navigate our tools. iOS and Android APP are included in the update, so you are welcomed to log in and check it out no matter which device you’re using.

Related: The Latest Property Management App Changes: TenantCloud Improvements

We are always happy to get your feedback. Please email us at and leave your thoughts on the latest release (or just your thoughts regarding today's weather if you want). We are always glad to hear from you.