Plans and pricing

Annually one month free


For property managers and large portfolios.
Start 14-day trial
Start 14-day trial
Everything in Starter, plus:
Lease Builder
Landlord Forms
Property Message Board


For DIY landlords and small portfolios
Start 14-day trial
Start 14-day trial
Rent payments
Maintenance management
Listings & applications


For property managers with large portfolios.
Let's talk
Start 14-day trial
Start 14-day trial
Everything in Pro, plus:
Team Management & Tools
Task Management
Listing Auto-Refresh
Prices exclude any applicable taxes.
Monthly Pricing
Annual Plan (Get one month free)
Property Management
Properties & Units
Easily track and organize all your properties.
Key and Lock Management
Securely store key numbers and other essential details needed for key handling.
TC Messenger
In-app communication tool for tenants and landlords.
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Global Search
Find anything quickly: people, payments, documents, and more.
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Instant Notifications
Receive mail/feed notifications for invoices, applications, and more. Manage all of your notifications in one place.
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Property Details
Keep track of utility providers, paint colors, keys, etc. for each property.
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Property Message Board
Post public notices (e.g., freeze warnings) to some or all tenants.
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Rental Marketing & Listings
List Properties
Post listings to your own listing website and advertise them to potential tenants.
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Listing Syndication
Advertise rentals on partnered listing sites with one click.
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Listing Website & Logo
Personalize your free TenantCloud listing website and add a business logo.
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Listing Auto-Refresh
Automatically refresh your listings every 30 days.
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Lead CRM
Lead Tracking
Your Customer/Client Relations Management tool to manage and store leads, notes, call details, and more.
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Lead Texting
Send and receive SMS messages from potential tenants.
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Tour Scheduling
Semi-automate property viewing appointments with prospects.
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Premium Leads
Find tenants faster with the help of our listing partners.
Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Application Kanban Board
 A tool to help visualize new applications, limit review-in-progress, and maximize efficiency.
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Coming Soon
Tenant Screening
Full Tenant Screening
Request background and credit checks, get income insights, and more.
Free paid by tenant
Free paid by tenant
Free paid by tenant
Free paid by tenant
Online Rental Applications
Create/receive applications for potential renters.
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National Criminal Screening
Comprehensive nationwide criminal background check.
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Tenant Credit Screening
Access tenant credit reports and scores.
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Local County Screening
Detailed criminal and eviction records from specific counties.
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Income Insights
Verify tenant-reported income information.
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Leasing & Renewals
Move in tenants and create new leases.
Document Templates
Design lease agreements and other important documents with our built-in document creator.
Move In/Out Inspection
Document the condition of your rental before a tenant moves in or after a tenant moves out.
E-Signatures (Free & Unlimited)
Request e-signatures for lease agreements, applications, and more.
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Lease Builder (PDF upload or Create)
Design your own lease templates, upload a PDF, and request e-signatures.
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Landlord Forms (State-specific)
Create important documents with our easy auto-fill option.
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Application Customization & Tools
Customize rental applications or choose from our templates.
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Rental Qualifications
Qualification standards that streamlines the application process.
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Tenant Management
Individual Tenant Portal
Provide tenants with their own accounts to pay rent online, make maintenance requests, and more.
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Automatic Rent Invoicing
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Automatic Grace Periods
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Automatic Late Fees
Set automatic late fees, grace periods, and notifications.
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Automatic Tenant Notices & Reminders
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Secure Messaging
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AutoPay Rent
Get on-time payments with our easy tenant payment portal.
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Rent Balance Tracking
Manage tenant balances and rent payments.
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Maintenance Requests
Manage and track property repair and upkeep tasks.
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Block Partial Payments
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Control Online Payment Access
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Accounting & Financials
Bank Accounts
Add multiple bank accounts and connect them to properties or legal entities so your funds always go to the right place. Available as deposit or income accounts.
Legal Entities
Add multiple legal entities and connect them to their respective bank accounts.
ACH Rent Payments
Accept debit, credit and ACH payments via Stripe. *Tenant incurs fees.
Card Rent Payments
Accept direct bank payments. *Fee is 3.5%+30¢. Tenant incurs fees.
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Heavily automated financial data documentation and tracking.
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1099 Tax Form
Generate 1099 Form and send digital copies to recipients.
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Match your bank statements with invoices in your TenantCloud accounting.
Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Maintenance Management
Manage Equipment
Keep track of all the maintenance needs for your property, including appliances, roofing, lawn, etc. Track warranties, models, maintenance schedules, and more.
Record Retention
Securely store all documents, photos, and other sensitive information.
25 GB
10 GB
1 GB
100 GB
Service Reminders
Set up reminders and automatic maintenance requests.
Individual ServicePro Portal
Service professionals have their own account type where they search for new jobs in their area.
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ServicePro Management
Organize and dispatch maintenance professionals.
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ServicePro Network
Access a pool of vetted maintenance service providers.
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ServicePro Invoicing & Payments
Bill and collect payments for maintenance work.
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Maintenance Management
Create and receive maintenance requests, assign service professionals, and track repair progress.
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Assign & Share Maintenance Requests
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Maintenance Kanban Board
A tool to help visualize new requests, limit work-in-progress, and maximize efficiency.
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Team Portal & Permissions
Property Manager Tools
Easy owner agreements, accounting and communication.
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Team Management Tools
Team member accounts controlled by assigning them to property(s) and/or role(s).
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Task Management
Assign tasks to team members.
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Team Calendar
Coordinate teams with a shared calendar.
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Team Member Tracking
View each team member’s activity and history inside TenantCloud.
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Team Property Permissions
Add team members and manage permissions such as property and feature access.
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Owner Portal & Permissions
Owner Portal
Property owner portal gives owners access to records they need anytime, no phone calls or shared logins necessary.
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Communicate Securely
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Easy Maintenance Approvals
Let owners or property managers approve and access maintenance requests as needed.
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Automatic Live Reporting Permissions
Receive tasks from connected Landlords or create and manage your own to keep work organized.
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Automatic Owner Contribution Invoicing
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Automatic Owner Distribution Invoicing
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Automatic Management Fee Invoicing
Automated management fee billing.
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Automatic Maintenance Tracking
Real-time updates on property maintenance for owners.
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Integrations & Tools
Renters Insurance
Offer and track tenant insurance policies.
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Rent Reporting to Bureaus
Report tenant rent payments to credit bureaus.
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Data Export & Import
Export your account data for your records. Upload property data directly into your TenantCloud profile.
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Rentability Reports
Assess property rental potential and market rates.
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QuickBooks Online Sync
Sync your QuickBooks data for easy accounting.
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Google Calendar Sync
Sync with Google Calendar to keep track of appointments, reminders, and more.
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Custom Domain
Add an existing URL to use as your listing website.
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Remove TenantCloud ads
Remove ad banners from your dashboard.
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Tenant Statement Report
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Property Statement Report
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Provider Statement
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Rent Roll
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Contact Information Report
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Maintenance Report
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General Income & Expenses
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Property Expenses Report
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Lease Statement Report
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Deposits Summary
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Online Payments Report
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Property Owner Statement
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Operating Statement Report
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Tax Preparation Report
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Profit & Loss Statement
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Amortization Tracker
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Depreciation Tracker
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User Roles & Permissions
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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
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Automated Backups
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Data Encryption
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Secure Rent Payments
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SingleSignOn with Google, Apple, or Facebook
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Account support
Need help with your account? We have a full team of support ready to help.
Tech Support,  
Phone Assist & Onboarding Assistance
Tech Support
Tech Support
Priority Tech Support,  
Phone Assist & Complimentary Onboarding Available
Tenant & Owner support
Questions? Call, text, or chat for help.
Tech Support &
Phone Assist
Tech Support
Tech Support
Priority Tech Support &
Phone Assist
*Fee is 3.5%+30¢. Tenant incurs fees.

Simplify your business. With TenantCloud you can manage, grow, and automate — saving you time and money.

Not sure which plan is right for you? We can help!

Request a demoTalk to sales
Modern property management solution with extremely reasonable pricing.
Pricing is phenomenal compared to other "big-dawg" prop mgt programs, this one is affordable and priced right!!! Layout is great. Lower difficulty to use. ACH setup is pretty good. Pretty fast update turnaround.

Roby D.


What plan works best for me?

Depending on your business requirements, you can subscribe to the plan that contains the features you need. The Growth plan is optimal for landlords with small and medium-sized portfolios, while property managers will likely find the Business plan the most helpful.

What plan should I get if I’m managing a team?

The best plan for team management is the Business plan. It includes all the features you’ll need when managing a team, such as Team Management & Tools, Team Tracking, Team Calendar and Messaging.

How many listings can I have?

You can have an unlimited number of listings under any plan.