The Rental Tool for Tenants

Hassle-free renting in the palm of your hand

Find your next rental, make a rent payment, send a maintenance request, and more, all from your phone. Download our tenant app to get started.

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App rating
The image shows a apartment listing on a property management app, with a photo of a apartment, a request for maintenance, and a rent payment portal, all within a green and white color scheme.
 A large white house with a wooden deck and a black gate.
How it works

Manage your rental anytime, anywhere

Connect with your landlord on TenantCloud and watch your rental life get a whole lot easier.

A cell phone screen displays a rental property.

Pay Rent Online

Set up autopay with debit, credit, or ACH so you’re always one step ahead on rent day.

  • Payment reminders
  • Automatic invoicing
  • No more checks
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A phone screen with an apartment listing on it.

Find a new place

Explore new rental homes in your area and apply online in just a few clicks.

  • Create a renter profile for faster searches
  • Enter your rental preferences to get matched with listings
  • Apply directly online
  • E-sign your next lease agreement
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A smartphone screen shows a rental property listing.A cell phone screen displaying a request for plumbing.Apartment listing on a cell phone.iphone messaging with landlord
A cell phone screen displaying a request for a plumber to fix a leak in the kitchen.

Send Maintenance Requests

Stay on top of your rental needs with our easy-to-use portal where you can send maintenance requests to your landlord, upload images, and track progress.

  • Video and image requests
  • Schedule maintenance in-app
  • Track the status
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iphone messaging with landlord

Manage your rental

Take care of your home and keep your landlord in the loop, all in one place.

  • Renters insurance available
  • Rent reporting options to build your credit history
  • Private tenant landlord messenger
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Find and manage your new home in seconds.

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