
Solar Panels as a Means to Save on Energy Bills

May 30, 2019
How To Lower Energy Bill For Your Rental Property: Main Ways To Save Money
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Want to save the environment, but giving up plastic is too much for you at the moment? We've got a worthy alternative. Solar panels are a great energy source that allows you to save more on energy bills and also help to reduce any negative impact on the environment. Solar panels convert solar energy into electrical power by maximizing the input of sunlight.

As a landlord, you should consider powering your rental properties through solar energy. Why? The answer is simple: Most tenants are looking for a sustainable home where they can pay less for utilities. Not everyone is environmentally conscious, but basically every tenant wouldn't mind cutting the cost of energy bills. And it does make sense. According to recent statistics, energy bills rise approximately 3% every year. With this in mind, you can easily calculate how much your tenants could save if you installed solar panels on rooftops or made roofs out of them.

In general, we speak of three solar panel types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient, and, respectively, the most expensive among their counterparts. Polycrystalline solar panels are less efficient, as they are made of dozens of silicon elements installed together. Thin-film panels cost less than monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon solar panels, but the main disadvantage is that they can hardly minimize environmental harm, converting less than 15% of sunlight into power.

Solar panels have become popular among Americans who are concerned about environmental issues and climate change. In the U.S., enough solar panels have been installed to provide electricity to 11 million homes.  If you think it takes a lot of effort to maintain solar panels, you're mistaken. Solar panels require little maintenance or cleaning. Inspections for damages or dirt just a few times a year is enough.

Miranda, a landlord from Texas, installed solar panels to attract more tenants to her rental properties a year ago. Miranda orders a cleaning service twice a year to check the condition of the solar panels. It's enough to wash the dirt and dust off the panels to ensure they perform at maximum capacity and convert the maximum amount of sunlight into electrical power.

How solar panels can save the environment

Other ways to lower energy bills:

  1. Turn off electrical devices when you're not using them.
  2. Unplug electrical appliances when you're not at home.
  3. Replace normal light bulbs with LEDs
  4. Install high-efficiency washing machines, clothes dryers, and refrigerators.
  5. Purchase an Energy Star certified dishwasher that consumes less energy.
  6. Insulate your roof and ceiling.
  7. Manage your heating and cooling systems in accordance with outside temperatures.
How solar panels can save the environment


Do you think that installing solar panels is a great idea? Share your thoughts by leaving comments below. We'd love to hear what you think. :)


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