
How Landlords Can Contribute to a Recycling Program

May 16, 2019
Why Is Recycling Important Or How To Start It For Your Rental Property As A Landlord
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Recycling has become a popular trend in recent years. But the value of recycling goes far beyond the mainstream. Reducing the amount of things we use and appropriately recycling specific items are two fundamental waypoints on the road to sustainability. Such an approach is likely to save money and natural resources in the long run. For landlords and property managers, protecting the environment might not necessarily be a lifetime goal, but cutting down on pollution is a must.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the best way to reduce waste is to stop creating it. But the very idea of zero waste is pretty utopian. No civilized society is likely to reach this goal, at least in the near future.

Since sustainability starts with your home, let's see how you, as a landlord, can contribute to the recycling movement.

Educate your tenants.

Recycling initiatives make sense if they're supported by the tenants occupying your rentals. It would be hard to succeed in saving the planet without anybody to take your side in the environmental battle. Before moving in a tenant, add a specific clause to the lease agreement regarding waste sorting, so that they will be obliged to stick to the rules you've established. The only thing you need to do is provide each rental you manage with waste separation bins. That will simplify the process of sorting garbage. Once you and your renters set up a clear recycling system that divides waste into compost, glass, paper, and plastic, the overall process will take less time and effort, forming daily habits that will benefit the environment.

How recycling helps the environment

Consider waste management solutions.

Waste removal providers will help you to select the right approach for your rental recycling program. It's important to know which items can be recycled and what products can potentially cause even more toxic pollution. If your tenants are already good at waste management, it won't be a problem to encourage them to support your recycling program.
The recycling industry requires active steps be taken, because the lack of packaging regulations and basic awareness of climate change, global warming, and water pollution leads to negative consequences that humans can predict and overcome.  

Related: 3 Best Waste Management Solutions: Tips for Landlords

How recycling helps the environment

Try to consume less and reuse more.

The idea behind smart consumption is to realize that the future of the environment depends upon our actions. Living small means consuming less and leading a plastic-free lifestyle. But if it's not easy for you to use fewer products regularly, try to at least buy reusable items or products with less packaging. Donations of clothes and other items to charity and non-profit organizations might also be a great solution that will both reduce the number of products consumed and support those in need of financial help.

Related: Becoming The Urban Farmer: Gardens At Home As An Environmentally Conscious Solution

How recycling helps the environment

Do you agree that recycling helps to protect the environment? Share your thoughts by leaving comments below. :)


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