tenantcloud Podcast

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In today's podcast, we had the pleasure of interviewing Anthony Russell. His journey started in the US Army where he gained experience as both a follower and a leader. After the military, he started investing in rental properties, and it was clear to him that the existing landlords that he observed were doing it wrong. Let's listen in as Anthony shares his stories, as well as insights into how his military experience helped develop him as a leader, a
When you think of rental turnover costs, you probably think of tenant damages and expensive repairs. In reality, most turnover costs are associated with typical wear and tear which landlords spend a significant amount of money and time addressing before moving a new tenant in.
In today's episode, we're going to cover some of the most popular payment apps that people use today and the potential risks that are present if you are using them for online rent collection or any other type of property management transaction.
In today's podcast, we'll discuss the pros and cons of allowing pets in your rentals, as well as some surprising statistics about landlords and pets that you have probably never been told.
A first impression is a powerful thing. It can make or break any business and since tenant retention is a major part of the game when you own a rental property, so are first impressions with your new tenants. Whether it's tenant welcome gift idea's, or simply making the move-in day a pleasant experience, here are five proven methods that you can use to make a good first impression on your tenants right of the gate.
If you have ever wondered what an illegal eviction is, how it happens, and what consequences may be involved, you're in luck! In today's podcast, we cover a few examples of what illegal evictions might look like, as well as some examples of the consequences that can take place for those who attempt to carry one out.
It's no secret that the rental economy has its ups and its downs. All that really matters is whether or not you are able to weather the storms when they come. In this podcast, we discuss five unique ways to find good tenants even in a bad economy. At the end of the day, the goal is to find the best-qualified tenants and retain paying tenants for as long as possible. The better you are at attaining that goal, the healthier your rental portfolio will be in
As a landlord, managing rentals is hard enough. But then you throw maintenance and renovations into the mix, and things get a lot more complicated, especially when it comes to finding quality contractors. In this podcast we'll address both of those concerns, and more!
Efficiency is a time-saver that unlocks time in your daily routine to do the things you want to do, not just the things you need to do. As a landlord, being proactive in how you handle your rental properties is one of the keys to becoming a master of efficiency.
In today's podcast, we talked with Matt Easton about how smaller operators can leapfrog the largest portfolios in occupancy, top-line revenue, and cashflow per unit.

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