
Top 10 Weirdest Maintenance Requests Landlords Have Received

Jul 18, 2019
Top 10 Housing Maintenance Requests From Tenants: The Weirdest Issues Landlords Have Received
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Maintenance issues are no fun at all. But sometimes you just can not help laughing at the things your tenants want you to fix. How would you encourage a coyote to stop stealing food from the table in the backyard or the neighbors to quit smoking weed? Even if you’re a superhero landlord, you’ll shake your head in disbelief at some of these awkward maintenance requests. 

We’ve singled out the top 10 weirdest maintenance requests landlords have received from their tenants: 

1. “I’ve accidentally locked myself out of my apartment. Now I can’t get inside. The problem is I’m in my pajamas. Do you have an extra key? Please help.”

This could happen to anyone, especially to those who use keycards instead of mechanical keys. As a landlord, you should have an extra key or keycard for this type of emergency. 

2. “My downstairs neighbors are smoking weed. I can’t fall asleep because of the smell. You have to help me out. Could you please call the police?”

Although medical use of cannabis is regulated by laws and allowed in some states, it’s still possible to set limits on smoking in the rental. A “no smoking” clause in the lease agreement can easily ban smoking in your rental properties. The thing is, you can’t sign a lease agreement with your renter’s neighbors. So be ready to negotiate on the issue. By explaining to the neighbors that their behavior creates discomfort for your tenants, you’re likely to resolve the problem. 

Related: Automate Maintenance Requests: Update Effectively Invoices, Payments And Contact Info

3. “The fridge is full of ice. I don’t mind having an iceberg in my fridge, but still. Send somebody to fix it ASAP!”

“I don’t mind having an iceberg in my fridge” is an interesting statement. They’re probably “Titanic” fans. A fridge won’t cool food properly if it’s covered by ice. The solution is simple—the tenant needs to defrost the fridge. No additional maintenance is needed. 

4. “My toilet won’t flush, no matter how many times I try.”

That’s a pretty awkward incident, but it should be fixed as soon as possible in order to avoid any further issues. There are numerous DIY plumbing tips on how to resolve a “toilet” issue. Define the cause for the problem and then decide if you need to replace a flapper or call a service professional after all. 

5. “My dishwasher is broken and I’ve got a fresh manicure.”

If it wasn’t for the manicure, you’d probably ask the tenant to hand-wash their dishes while the dishwasher is out of order. But in this case, find a repair person at your earliest convenience and get the problem fixed. 

Related:  6 Important Home Maintenance Tasks You Can Do On Your Own

6. “There’s a coyote in my backyard. I like pets, but is it a dangerous one? Is it even a pet? Anyway, do something please!”

First of all, coyotes can hardly be domesticated. Secondly, they are afraid of humans as well as noise, so it won’t be hard to chase them away. But consider putting up a fence to protect your tenants’ privacy from unwelcome visitors.  

7. “There’s a leak in the apartment upstairs, and it could damage my antique furniture. Do you know how much it costs?”

No, we don’t know the prices unless there are price tags on the furniture. But a water leak is a serious problem that requires urgent maintenance. Once you’ve received a maintenance request regarding a water leak, contact the occupants of the apartment upstairs and make sure they’re doing something about the problem. Otherwise, you could have an angry tenant and damaged furniture. 

8. “A raccoon keeps stealing food from my backyard during barbecues. It’s not my first request. Please reach out to the guys who can deal with it.”

Can you please keep an eye on your food while having a barbecue? Just kidding. The best way to keep raccoons away is to protect your trash and fence the garden. 

9. “I can’t get out of my house. Snow is blocking the front door. Can somebody please remove the snow from the porch?”

Depending on the amount of snow on your tenant’s porch, you might want to fix the problem yourself or contact your service professional. Let it snow! But don’t let the snow stop your tenants from leaving their house.    

 10. “There are a few bees’ nests in the window frames. I wanted to get some honey out of it, but it seems impossible. So please help me to get rid of them!”

Well, call a local beekeeper. Believe us, they’ll be very glad to help you out. 

What’s the weirdest maintenance request you’ve ever received from your tenant? Share your stories by leaving comments below.:)

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