Landlord Tips

Two-Factor Authentication: add double security to your profile

Sep 4, 2020
What Is Two Factor Authentication And How It Can Help You In The Rental Business?
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What is Two-Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication, also known as 2FA and multi factor authentication, is a security process in which the user provides two authentication factors to verify their identity. It requires not only a password and email/username during logging in, but also a piece of information that the user has on them and can access immediately.

Why you need it

In today's world of increasing digital crime and internet fraud everyone knows how important the online security is.

Using a username and email along with a piece of information that only the user has access to makes it much harder for intruders to gain access and steal that person's personal data or identity. And as in their TenantCloud profiles, landlords usually store personal and financial information, we recommend using 2FA to improve to the maximum the security of your account.

Therefore, for years, Two Factor Authentication has been the most valuable advice in personal cybersecurity.

How to setup Two-Factor Authentication

You can easily setup Two Factor Authentication in your TenantCloud profile. To do this, follow the instruction below:

How to setup Two-Factor Authentication?

After the activation, you’ll be asked to enter a verification code along with your password every time you log in to TenantCloud.

Enter a verification code to setup two-factor authentication

Before you can set up 2FA on your account, you’ll need to download and install an authentication app on your device.

Here are a few options to get you started:

iOS — Google Authenticator, Duo Mobile, 1Password, Authy

Android — Google AuthenticatorDuo Mobile, Authy

Windows Phone — Microsoft AuthenticatorDuo Mobil.

TenantCloud Two-Factor Authentication
TenantCloud Two-Factor Authentication


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