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#ThisIsHowITC: Mother of Two, Landlord of Three

Jun 15, 2016
The TenantCloud Team
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Being a landlord shouldn’t be a full time job. No one lives forever, so spending time with our families and friends should be a top priority. How to balance landlord life and our top priorities?  Well a TenantCloud user recently shared her story with us and we wanted to share it with you.

Landlord Success Stories

As a mother of two, landlord of three I found myself driving all over the city to do little mundane things for my rentals. This left my children sitting in cars seats and eating fast food most of the day. I didn’t know what to do. I would get a call that the electricity was out and have to run over to a property to find out that it was just a light bulb. Collecting rent required about 9 different trips to tenants homes and I was so glad to even get the rent that I didn’t dare push on the late fee that should have been due.

I knew I had an issue when Frank, the guy who lives in unit A of Barn St., handed me the rent in an envelope and included two lollipops. It was the one day my husband wasn’t traveling, so I didn’t have the kids. Frank just expected the kids to be there as always.  It was Frank that first introduced me to TenantCloud. He said if I wanted he could pay his rent online and I wouldn’t have to drive out there.  

That night I checked out the site and can’t believe what all it did. I immediately set up my properties, added my tenants and their leases. I don’t know how much fuel costs I am now saving because of it, but the biggest savings I noted was my time. I noticed how much it impacted my children when we went to the park and my daughter asked if they could play for two phone calls instead of one.  That is because I usually would have to make calls and schedule maintenance issues, so they would play while I talked and then we’d have to rush off to the next rental emergency. That fact was I wasn’t playing with them, but on the phone constantly. For the first time I was playing with my kids at the park and now handled everything in one place and it could all be done in a few minutes.

The picture and video maintenance issues is amazing and has saved me so much time. Being  able to send an issue to the two people I work with to help with things that need repaired is great.

There is nothing more rewarding then being able to spend time with the best co-workers I have ever had - my kids. It also gave me the some of the best time, which is time for myself during naps. TenantCloud has allowed me to do it all in one place from anywhere anytime.

Landlord Success Stories

Landlord Success Stories

Her story and more have inspired a new campaign called “This is how I TenantCloud”. We are so tickled pink to be part of helping people find more time for family and friends. Reading your messages inspires us to keep making TenantCloud better. We’ll be reaching out to more of you about your stories you’ve experienced. Send us your stories, let’s change people’s lives together!

Join our “This Is How I TenantCloud” campaign and we will share your story with the world!

Should You Allow Pets in Rentals? Martha and Her Pet Lola Story

Landlord Success Stories: How to Handle a Maintenance Request in Your Rental Property

Landlord Success Stories: Ann Who Loves Gardening