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#ThisIsHowITC: Jill the Architect

Jul 13, 2016
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We love sharing stories of those who have found ways of saving time and money using TenantCloud.  Here is another #ThisIsHowITC story. Jill is an architect who also manages a condo she rents out. She shared her experience using the maintenance request feature. Thank you Jill for sharing your story and letting us film you at work. Here is her story.

Maintenance Request in Your Rental Property

When [TenantCloud] asked if I would be willing to share more about how I use and love TenantCloud I was excited. I found you by accident and have been loving the updates ever since. I manage a condo that I bought as an investment and have been managing it for about four years. I have only had two different tenants and they have been great. The condo is a bit old now and I have been faced with making numerous repairs. My sister-in-law is a painter in the area, and an acquaintance of hers, Frank, is very handy with everything around the house. Don is a landscaper I met through a neighbor.  

These three individuals are my life line. I couldn’t do anything without them. They help with basic repairs or major things like changing out the fridge. I try and schedule things with them in advance, but things like a broken fridge are an emergency. The thing about emergencies is you just don’t know when they will arise, but when they do you have to act quickly.  

Messaging for my fix up items was always a bit confusing as it would involve me texting, then going to the property and including some photos. I would get some photos back of paint colors or changes. Between texting, emails, notes on a notepad and notes based on phone calls it would get so confusing. Whenever my tenant would leave a message on my phone I would just want to cry as I knew it was going to be something and I would have to dedicate my entire weekend to trying to find someone to fix it.  

We all now use TenantCloud, so when the tenant has an issue he sends it to me and my TenantCloud account messages me, then I open it and can see photos or videos and can see how bad the issue is. I then send it to the appropriate person. My account then tells me and my tenant when it has been received and gives status updates.  

The day the fridge broke was the worst. I was meeting with one of my best clients, my mother was about to fly in for a weekend visit and a close friend was in the hospital. I felt so overwhelmed already. When the message came in and I saw the issue I didn’t panic or even worry.  It seemed so natural to just hit the “send to my pro” button. Frank responded in a couple of minutes that it is in progress and that was it.  Frank took care of everything. I was done. I actually didn’t even know Frank worked on refrigerators until then.  

I can’t even imagine what this would have been like had I not used TenantCloud. It has become a necessity in having a rental because it allows me to have a full time job as an architect and still enjoy my weekends.  

Maintenance Request in Your Rental Property

We are so very glad to be part of these happy stories. Thank you all for your kind words and great experience! Your stories motivate us to keep working to make your life easier as a landlord. Become a part of #ThisIsHowITenantCloud and share your story with the world. Your experience is what makes us better!

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