Rental Investing

Is Real Estate a Good Investment?

Aug 1, 2022
Anna Los'
Is Investing in Real Estate a Good Idea? Main Pros and Cons to Know
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Investing in real estate is all about making a profit in the future; it will provide a steady income that can be put aside for a retirement plan. Risk-taking costs and tax obligations must be sufficient to meet investment returns. Additional payments associated with real estate ownership include utilities, upkeep, and insurance.

As soon as you understand the basics of investment, economics, and risk, real estate investing will get easier.

What is a Real Estate Investment?

More free time and less financial strain sound like a dream come true, and it’s achievable with the passive income that real estate investing provides. As COVID-19 has shown us, having numerous sources of income provides stability and confidence no matter what comes our way.

Investing in real estate means owning real property that is not permanently affixed to the land. There are numerous ways to invest in real estate; continue reading to learn more.

Related: Passive Real Estate Investing 2022 : Top 8 Benefits You Must Know About

Real Estate Investment Strategies

Real estate investments can be a source of passive income and help you expand your investment portfolio.

Unfortunately, inexperienced investors have no idea where or how to invest in real estate. To avoid those mistakes, let’s take a look at some of the real estate investment strategies.

  • REIT: (pronounced "reet"), this is the acronym for "real estate investment trust" and refers to a type of instrument that invests directly in real estate and trades on the market, like stocks. It makes investments using real estate or mortgages and benefits from unique tax treatment. REITs provide high dividends and a liquid way of real estate investing as incentives to investors.
  • Investing in Vacation Property: If you decide to invest in a vacation property and want it to be profitable for you and valuable to your renters, it’s crucial to make sure you choose a property with an established market and demand for vacation rentals.
  • Multifamily Real Estate Investing. Consider this type of investment if you want to grow your current investment portfolio and scale up your business.
  • Residential Real Estate Investing:

1.  Short-term - these apartments often offer one-night stays for renters. Investing in this type of apartment provides wealth and steady income faster but relies on powerful advertisements maintenance is time-consuming. You can rent out your own house while you are away as an option.

2. Long-term - overall, long-term rentals are often built to be rented for at least a year and generate a consistent monthly cash flow. This is best suited for a single-family house, modular home, or a building with multiple units.

Pros and Cons of Real Estate Investing

There are huge benefits of investing in real estate, which make sense and solid reasons. Think about the following things: 

Pros of Real Estate

  • Rental Market

The Great Resignation and the COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to leave their homes to seek different housing. These people are potential tenants, and if you consider purchasing real estate to rent, you will discover that they are ready and eager to occupy your home. Rental demand will make it simpler for you to pay your expenses and earn a profit in a short time.

Related: Best Places To Invest In Rental Property: 5 U.S. Locations You Should Know

  • Safeguard Against Inflation

During the last year, the housing market has seen major inflation and a decline in the dollar's purchasing power. But real estate is resilient to the storm of inflation; in fact, it often works in the property owners' favor. Housing, including rental and home prices, typically increases along with inflation; if inflation rises, you can increase rent on your investment property. Your principal and interest mortgage payments won't change if you have a fixed-rate mortgage. 

  • Depreciation Tax Shield

The depreciation cost that can be claimed on a real estate investment involves no cash outflow and yet lowers taxable income – thereby protecting you from a portion of taxes that would be due otherwise. Residential real estate currently has a  27½-year depreciation time, while commercial structures have a 39-year depreciation term.

Cons of Real Estate

  • The Costs Are Rising

It's critical to remember that 2021 saw the largest increase in real estate prices in two decades, so there is no guarantee that prices will rise the same way again. However, as a long-term investment, it is likely one of the safest. Always proceed with caution, especially if you wish to invest and profit this year, because after such a significant increase in value. the housing market can crash. 

  • The Long-Term Investment

Always purchase real estate with a long-term plan in mind. Real estate investing means buying a property that won't be easy to sell for cash if you suddenly need money. Property sales take longer and have greater transaction expenses than stock share sales.

  • Rent Control

If you invest in residential properties, the local government may impose rent restrictions that severely limit your ability to raise rents. Although requesting a targeted rent increase from a rent control board is possible, such requests are rare and typically reluctantly approved.

Related: How to Get Into Real Estate Investing: Main Factors to Consider

Risks of Investing in Real Estate

Although real estate investing may generate excellent profit, not everyone is a good fit. Here are some things to consider before you begin:

  • Larger Border to Entry: Purchasing real estate takes more investment than purchasing stocks or bonds, which have no minimum order quantity. To be approved for a mortgage, you must have decent credit and an adequate income. It is crucial to analyze your situation and find out the best rates and conditions before investing.
  • Intense Studying: There aren't individual reporting metrics in real estate investing, unlike stocks and bonds. To find bargains and assemble exceptional returns, you need to learn how to make money with real estate investing. Then, you must learn how to update, rent, and maintain your property.
  • Hard Work: Investing in real estate requires daily effort because you are the only one in charge of your investment. Finding valuable opportunities, making the necessary improvements, renting it out, managing tenants, and maintaining the property is a lot of work. 

With TenantCloud, it is much easier to manage every aspect of your business, even if your team is you all by yourself. Our property management software will assist you in every step of the daily routine and help your company scale up.


It's crucial to research and evaluate the markets you wish to invest in because local housing markets around the nation vary substantially in terms of overall value. Don't focus on national trends; instead, consider local market trends for guidance. Real estate may be a fantastic way to create passive income and wealth for investors. Investing in real estate has proven to be a great way to achieve various financial objectives, including retirement, college savings, and financial independence.