
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your House

Mar 7, 2022
Anna Los'
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home: Natural Methods That Work!
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Fleas are among the most troublesome bugs to contend with: they're tiny enough to get around without difficulty and nimble enough to be considered acrobatic. Fleas aren’t picky on who they bite - so no one is safe during an infestation at your home.

You'll need more than just your run-of-the-mill pet bathing instructions to understand how to get rid of flea infestation. There are many natural methods available to help you prevent a full-scale invasion. Here’s the rundown of what you could do.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Furniture?

Vacuum thoroughly, then spray upholstery, furniture, and corners with an anti-flea spray. Follow the directions carefully and apply them to all of your pet's favorite locations. To avoid exposing your pets while applying it to specific places in your house - read the label of a spray carefully.

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How to Get Rid of Fleas on Carpet?

Gather any loose objects from all carpeted areas of your house. Clothes, toys, shoes, containers, and other items fall into this category. You want your vacuum to have access to as much carpet as possible. Do not forget to remove all items from inside closets and under beds. You should also shift furniture if at all possible. Keep heavier items that sit flush with the floor, such as dressers or bookcases, in place if the fleas are unable to reach underneath them.

Immediately empty your vacuum cleaner and dispose of the bag to avoid eggs hatching within, which could lead to another flea infestation. Vacuum regularly, especially in places where pets sleep, until the infestation has dissipated.

While some websites suggest sprinkling salt or baking soda on carpets to kill flea eggs and larvae, there is no proof that baking soda actually works, and the quantity of salt needed to make a difference could bring on other problems for your pets. For carpet, vacuuming and flea spot treatments are the best options.

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How to Get Rid of Fleas in the Yard?

The right strategy to get rid of fleas in your yard is to consider where they like to hide. Take a look around your yard and create a note of warm, damp spots that may not be in direct sunlight. Because areas in direct sunlight might become excessively hot, you're unlikely to find many fleas there.

Observe your pet's favorite places to lie down, as these are likely to be the hotspots. Fleas usually linger in places like these.

  • Regularly mow the lawn and rake the exposed areas thoroughly. Fleas prefer thick grass to hide in. Instead of adding the items to your compost pile, bag them.
  • Remove any waste such as dead leaves and twigs from flower beds, and under shrubs
  •  Dark spots should be exposed to sunshine as much as possible.
  • Place cedar chips in locations where your pet likes to relax, such as beneath shrubs and in flower beds.
  • Ask your local gardening store about nematodes, which are microscopic worms that may devour parasite eggs and sulfur granules. To get rid of fleas, sprinkle both around the problem areas.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Bed?

Wash all of your bed sheets in hot, soapy water if you’ve noticed fleas turning up there. Fleas, as well as their eggs and larvae, will be killed by the soap. Vacuuming your mattress is also a good idea. You also can use a DIY lemon solution.

Lemons are a fantastic all-natural approach to getting rid of fleas in the house because of their acidic juice. Here is how to get of fleas using a DIY lemon solution:

  • Place a thin slice of lemon in a pan over high heat. Allow it to soak overnight in boiling water.
  • In the morning, decant the lemon-infused liquid into a spray bottle.
  • Spritz your bed, sofas, and pet beds with lemon spray. Remember to test textiles by using just a little spray first.

The bottom line

It's a little unsettling to find yourself in the middle of a flea infestation, but don't panic. If you take the proper precautions, you’ll get rid of them with no problem.

  • Every few days, vacuum your carpet. 
  • Regularly mow your lawn and remove any debris as soon as possible. 
  • Regularly wash all linens and other cloth items at high heat.

Keep in mind that you must clean the house, yard, and pets right after one another. Re-infestation can be avoided by doing so.



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