
How to Clean Your Microwave

Feb 28, 2022
Anna Los'
How to Clean Your Microwave:The Easiest Ways You Can Use
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For over 50 years, the microwave has been a go-to kitchen appliance for saving time, and almost everyone has one these days. They're quick, convenient, and easy to use—but they get dirty very fast. You're not alone if cleaning your microwave tends to slip your mind. Many of us use our microwaves on a daily basis and don't notice the mess until it gets out of hand. Like any other appliance, the longer you leave it, the more time and effort it will take for you to clean.

Don't worry - a messy microwave doesn't have to be a big deal. We will go over three methods to get it done quickly and efficiently.

What Are the Easiest Ways to Clean a Microwave? 

First method: clean the microwave with vinegar.

  • Put two cups of water and two teaspoons of vinegar into a microwave-safe dish or a big glass measuring cup. If you wish to mask the scent of the vinegar, add one drop of your favorite essential oil. Microwave the container for a few minutes.
  • Wait for five minutes on high in the microwave. Allow another fifteen minutes before opening the door to ensure that all the baked-on grime has melted.
  • Caution when removing the container. It may be hot.
  • Clean the turntable by removing it and wiping it down with a clean rag.
  • Using a cloth or paper towels, wipe the inside of the microwave, door, bottom, and top, taking care not to get any moisture in the vents. If stains persist, dab them with a sponge soaked in the vinegar/water solution.
  • Reinsert the turntable.

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Second method: clean microwave with a lemon

  • Using lemon is a great way to clean the microwave for its properties as a natural odor neutralizer and cleanser, which leaves your microwave smelling fresh and squeaky clean. To release the juices from a lemon, press and roll it between your palms. Cut it in half and squeeze all of the juice into a microwave-safe dish with one cup of water. 
  • Place the bowl in the microwave and add the lemon halves.
  • Microwave for five minutes on high then let it sit for another ten minutes. 
  • To avoid steam, carefully open the door and remove the bowl using oven mitts. 
  • Wipe the exterior and then the interior of your microwave with a microfiber towel dampened with your lemon and water solution.

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Third method: cleaning microwave with baking soda

  • This method is comparable to cleaning a microwave with lemon juice.
    Halfway fill a microwave-safe dish with water. Throw two teaspoons of baking soda in the mixing bowl.
  • Microwave for three to five minutes, depending on the size of the bowl.
  • Remove the heatproof dish from the microwave and set it aside (caution: it will be hot).
  • Wipe the grime off the inside of the door. To clean the door and the outside, soak a cloth in the bowl using your cleaning solution to wipe them off.

If your microwave does not require a deep clean, simply sprinkle the desired areas with baking soda and scrub them until the dirt loosens up. A scrubby sponge works perfectly here to remove the tough stains.

Be sure to wipe the excess baking soda out of the microwave.

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How to Clean Outside of the Microwave?

To clean the outside of your microwave, you have a variety of methods. It's quite simple; in fact, you may use the same materials you used on the inside. Listed below are a few alternative approaches:

  • Water and dish soap
  • Water and vinegar (2 tbsp per cup up to a 2:1 ratio for maximum strength)
  • Lemon juice and water (for a medium-sized bowl of water, use 1-2 tbsp or 12 – 1 lemon)
  • Water and baking soda (2 tbsp per cup)

Last but not least

To keep bacteria build-up and foul smells out of your kitchen, clean your microwave once a week to once every three to four weeks. You may need to clean it more often if you heat messy food like sauces or gravy. If you use it less frequently, you could get away with cleaning it once a month. Just don't let the grime sit inside for too long.


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