
How to Clean a Mattress

May 9, 2022
Anna Los'
How to Clean a Dirty Mattress? Easy Methods to Keep In Mind
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Sweat, drool, dead skin cells, hair and oil, and numerous body fluids are things your mattress has constant exposure to. Whether you factor in allergies, dust mites, and pet dander, your mattress is well overdue for a deep cleaning.

Even though most people use their mattresses daily, they rarely clean them. But, just as you wash your sheets on a regular schedule, you should clean your mattress as well, just not as often. The good news is that cleaning a mattress is significantly less challenging than you would imagine. Continue reading to learn easy methods to keep your mattress clean and ready for years of napping.

How to Deep Clean a Mattress?

Always check the tag for any specific cleaning instructions to see what the manufacturer recommends. Since different types of mattresses require various treatment methods, you should check to see if there are any 'do's and don'ts' you should be aware of.

Check if your mattress is double-sided or single-sided since this will define whether you can deeply clean both sides or simply the top of the mattress.

Here are the things you will need to get your hands on to deep clean a mattress:

  • a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment
  • stain removers such as an enzyme cleanser or dish soap 
  • washing detergent 
  • baking soda 
  • clean cloths or a sponge
  • cold water

There is no point in deep cleaning mattresses without washing pillow tops, fitted sheets, and mattress covers in the first place. While you're cleaning the mattress, put bedding in the washing machine for a hot cycle spin for removing dust mites.

Vacuum all over the mattress, including the sides. After that, it’s time to clean the mattress with the help of baking soda.

Next, use a stain remover to spot-clean your mattress. Never wet or clean it directly with water or a cleaning solution. Spot-clean dirty areas with care using the following method:

  • With a clean cloth, apply a tiny amount of cleaning solution.
  • Using a clean cloth, gently remove the stained area.
  • Soak it in cold water with a clean towel.
  • Using the water-soaked fabric, gently wipe the discolored area. If necessary, repeat until the stain is gone.

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How to make a cleaning solution? 

Combine 1 cup of baking soda with a few drops of lavender essential oil, then drain the mixture. Shake the scented baking soda all over the mattress to distribute it evenly. Keep the baking soda for 1 hour. Using a vacuum, remove the baking soda from the mattress.

Flip the mattress over and repeat cleaning so that both sides are equally clean and new. Whether you're thoroughly cleaning the mattress or not, you should flip it regularly, at least once in three months.

How to Clean the Blood Off a Mattress?

You can easily remove bloodstains if you haven't used any heat-based treatments, which might cause them to set permanently. 

Here is the instruction:

  • Mix two ounces of hydrogen peroxide, one tablespoon of liquid dish soap, and one tablespoon of salt to make a cleaning solution.
  • Apply this to the bloodstain and let it sit for 10 minutes before scraping it away with a spoon. 
  • Using a clean cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide, wipe away any remaining residue. 
  • Allow time for the area to dry. 
  • After drying, if a dark stain remains, softly spritz it with hydrogen peroxide. As the peroxide dries, the bloodstain will vanish.

How to Clean Urine From a Mattress?

Accidents during potty training and pet urine are frequent stains on beds. However, there's no reason to be concerned. The urine stain remover listed below can remove both old and new urine stains, as well as the smell of urine.

  • For the DIY remover, you should mix three tablespoons of baking soda, eight ounces of hydrogen peroxide, and a small quantity of liquid dish soap. Combine everything in a plastic bowl.
  • Dab the liquid onto the stain with a cloth, but don't soak it. Using a clean towel, wipe the excess moisture. 
  • Allow it to air dry.

Your mattress is an investment: remember to keep it clean so it will serve you and your good sleep for years. Keep it like new with this guide that will help to remove stains and smells.

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