
How to Avoid Landlord Burnout: 5 Useful Tips to Follow

Jun 19, 2019
Thinking Of Starting A Rental Property Business? 5 Useful Tips to Follow
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Everyone knows that landlording is a stressful job, especially if you have got multiple properties to manage. There is always something that needs to be fixed, someone who is demanding a showing at 5 a.m., and tons of paperwork waiting for your undivided attention. It is impossible to avoid stress, but you can learn to control it. Using time management techniques and well-thought strategies, you can even enjoy the problems you’re dealing with.

TenantCloud Property Management System for Landlords

To avoid landlord burnout, consider these five actionable tips:

Have a plan

A thorough financial plan is exactly what you need to establish before renting out properties. The more details you include in the plan, the better. Try to keep track of all transactions so that you don’t get lost in finances when it comes to taxes. This could prevent any legal issues in the long run.

A good landlord knows how to keep their rental properties in shape and solve maintenance issues like a service professional. Some landlords prefer doing minor repairs themselves, but if you’re not sure whether you can do it properly, leave it to a professional. Create a list of contacts you can call in case of any maintenance issue. Your repair gang should be ready to fix anything 24/7.

A business strategy isn’t required if you’re not a certified business analyst, but it’s better to have one rather than not. Write down the basic points and principles you’d like to pay attention to while running your property management business. It’ll definitely help you to keep your business afloat.

Don’t take it to heart

Job burnout causes emotional and physical fatigue that leads to insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc. You must realize that your physical and psychological health is more important than anything else, even the most profitable business you’d love to develop. Your job shouldn’t interfere with your private life. Any issue that occurs may and will be resolved eventually. Focus on doing your work right, and positive outcomes are guaranteed, along with good spirits.

Choose the best of the best

With the help of background and credit checks, you can easily choose the best tenants out there. Sure, it’s hard to predict the future, but you can evaluate past behavior by checking out residence history and references from previous landlords. The employment history and current financial situation will highlight the financial capacity of your candidates. Reliable tenants provide timely payments and take care of your rental, while troublesome renters keep your stress level at the maximum. In addition, the latter often complain of minor issues and fail to pay on time.

Don’t fall for every property management trend

Trends may come and go, but making money on your rentals is always one of the most convenient ways to receive passive income. Start by analyzing the latest trends in the property management industry, as well as reviewing and comparing the average rent level in your area. But even more important is to stick to your defined policies regarding renting out and managing rental properties.

Seek help

Your responsibilities should never lead to emotional burnout. If you feel like there are too many daily tasks for you to handle, hire a property manager, or even better, use a solid property management software system such as TenantCloud. TenantCloud offers numerous options that automate the process of running your business. Thanks to its  integration with other platforms, you don’t need to use any additional services, because everything you need is in one place.

TenantCloud makes it possible to create residential agreements, collect online rent payments, assign work orders to service professionals, communicate with your tenants within the system, and automate tax reports, reminders, notices, and more.


What are your recommendations for fighting burnout at work? Share your ideas and thoughts by leaving comments below. We’d love to hear what you think. :)


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