
How to Automate Your Rental Business and Live a Happy Life

Jul 22, 2019
Automate your rental business with us: planned property management
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Just stop for a minute and take a break. Do you see how busy people are today? Always in a hurry and never any time for themselves. But life doesn't spin around the office chair. There are dozens of things to enjoy in life (except for short deadlines and corporate meetings). And yes, it's up to you whether to work 9 to 5 or start a rental business and gain financial freedom. With TenantCloud it's not just a dream; it's a reality for many landlords. Using automation and a little effort, you can spend more time with your family, friends, pets, or do whatever you enjoy.

Here's what our users have tried and want to share with you all: the TenantCloud lifestyle. Can you see yourself in their place?
So why not give TenantCloud a try?

1. Focus on Family with TenantCloud Property Management Software's Help

Being a working mom is hard, and being a working mom with multiple rental properties is even harder. But Amanda combines the roles of a happy mom and a successful businesswoman. How? Because she uses TenantCloud to manage her rental properties. Max adores his lovely mommy and appreciates TenantCloud, because it keeps his mom's landlording business under control. While Amanda spends time with little Max, TenantCloud silently generates rent invoices and sends reminders and notifications that allow Amanda to focus on the most important aspects of life. 

2. Don't Let Landlording Get in the Way of Your Hobby Time Anymore

This is Joshua. Joshua loves fishing, regardless of his poor fish-catching skills. While TenantCloud takes care of his rental business, Joshua enjoys the process of looking for the golden fish. Even if he never finds one or comes back home with an empty bucket, Joshua doesn't get upset. He's a successful landlord, after all. And with the help of TenantCloud, there's nothing he needs to worry about. TenantCloud makes the rental business easy and accessible. 
Be like Joshua and enjoy happy moments with TenantCloud!

3. Chill Out and Use TenantCloud to Run your Rental Business

Sam is a medical student, and guess what? He's also a landlord! A landlord who knows everything about digital property management. Sam began to use TenantCloud as his main tool for managing rentals once he started a rental business on top of his university studies and Spanish classes. As you can see, nothing bothers Sam. Nothing except for his neurobiology exam scheduled in a few weeks' time. Sam's happy that he can rely on TenantCloud while working hard on getting a diploma and relaxing during breaks between classes.  
Sam is our role model! No kidding!

4. Enjoy simple things while TenantCloud takes care of your rentals

Justin isn't an ordinary guy. He owns a restaurant, plays in a band, invests in startups, and manages several properties downtown. That's a lot for a Millennial, huh? On top of this, Justin is a quite the gourmet. He loves tasting new dishes in his own restaurant - and really at any restaurant he likes. Nothing can distract Justin from enjoying his food, even past due payments from tenants. Why? Because he uses TenantCloud. Justin knows that TenantCloud automates the overall process of managing rental properties. While he's living in the here and now, TenantCloud is looking ahead at prospects for rental business development.

5. Do what you like; TenantCloud will back you up

Daniel opened an espresso bar a few years ago. He's also a landlord with multiple units. While TenantCloud takes care of his property management business, Daniel makes coffee for his customers. A tiny coffee shop has been transformed into a popular place to chill and meet friends. This is possible because of Daniel's passion for entrepreneurship and an initial investment to start a business. Daniel is one of those landlords who takes advantage of his rental income to realize crazy business ideas. And TenantCloud, in its turn, facilitates business growth, as it saves time and energy necessary to run any type of business. The only thing Daniel really worries about is how many coffee beans to order and whether robusta is better than arabica.

6. Pet Your Dog Instead of Driving Around Collecting Rent

Mrs. Robinson rents out a few units to college students and uses TenantCloud to keep her landlording business afloat. She confesses that she logs in to her TenantCloud account once a month to check on the rent invoices and other updates. To avoid missing anything important, she turned on notifications and reminders so that she receives maintenance requests or messages sent via TC Messenger instantly. Why would she spend more time online? She's got more important tasks throughout the day. Taking care of her adorable Mao, for example. Mao has so much fun playing in the park that Mrs. Robinson can't help smiling. 
Be like Mrs. Robinson and enjoy happy moments with TenantCloud!